Articles and Resources
Data-Driven Insights and Analytics and how they can help your Business
What are Data-Driven Insights? Data-Driven insights are the results reached from analysing raw data and identifying...
Christmas Party + Gifts and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Guidelines for Australian Businesses When celebrating Christmas at work, Australian businesses must be mindful of...
Financial Literacy – Educating Clients for Long Term Success
Whilst the primary role of an accountant is to review and analyse financial records, keeping track of income,...
Navigating the Accounting Software Landscape – Let’s Compare
Neglecting your daily, weekly, and monthly accounting tasks is like letting...
Top Tips for Starting Off the New Financial Year – RIGHT!
Starting a new financial year should also encourage you to set new financial health goals. Starting a new...
Streamline Your EOFY
End of Financial Year (EOFY) – it's not just a time for businesses to maximise tax deductions; it's a critical period...
Decoding the 2024/2025 Federal Budget for your Household and Business
With the unveiling of the 2024/2025 federal budget, households are eager to understand how these financial decisions...
Your Guide to Outsourced Accounting
In today's fast-paced business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and maximise...
Mid-Financial Year Check-In
As we embark on a new calendar year, signalling the midpoint of the financial year, it's an opportune moment to...
Managing Operations in Not-for-Profit Organisations
Supporting charities and not-for-profits (NFPs) has historically missed a crucial aspect for many years—overheads and...
Nine Accounting Considerations for Christmas
With the end of 2023 nearing, the focus shifts to recognising and appreciating the hard work and dedication of our...
Streamlining Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Categories: A Positive Change for Charities
In a significant move to simplify administrative procedures and reduce regulatory burden, legislative amendments have...
Single Touch Payroll: Everything You Need to Know
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is a recently introduced Australian government initiative that changed when and how small...
Preparing for EOFY
As the tax year comes to a close, it's an important time to consider strategies to reduce your tax. Hopscotch...
How Hopscotch Accounting Can Help Your Non-For-Profit Organisation
At Hopscotch Accounting, we offer accounting services designed specifically for Australian Not-for-Profit (NFP)...
ACNC Compliance and What You Must Know
As a Not-For-Profit organisation, compliance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) is...
Financial Automation in Not-for-Profit Organisations
If you are spending all of your time actioning a lot of financial tasks manually, then it’s time to consider...
Mid-Financial Year Business Check In
It’s the start of a new calendar year which marks the middle of the financial year, which is a great time to do a...
New Requirements for Not-For-Profits who Self Assess for Income Tax Exemption!
There has been a recent announcement which will effect not-for-profits who self-assess for income tax exemption. From...
Rising Wage Costs Causing Pressure On Small Businesses
Country-wide small businesses are struggling to keep their head above water with the rising wage costs. Pressure is...